These 9 Japanese Concepts Changed My Life for Good. They Will Change You Too.

  • Do you ever feel stuck in the frantic pace of the modern world?
  • Do you yearn for more balance, serenity, and purpose?

It’s time to slow down and delve into the profound wisdom of an ancient culture that marries simplicity and complexity, tradition and innovation, tranquility and dynamism.

Welcome to the world of Japanese Philosophy and Japanese Concepts.

Japanese Concepts for Life |

Japan, a land renowned for its rising sun, breathtaking cherry blossoms, and Zen monasteries, also harbors potent life philosophies.

They are interwoven into the nation’s social fabric, guiding daily routines, career paths, interpersonal relationships, and even their attitude towards life and death.

Today, we’re unlocking nine powerful Japanese concepts that can act as lighthouses, guiding you towards a more balanced, fulfilling life and a flourishing career.

These concepts are not just philosophical musings, but practical, tangible strategies that you can weave into your everyday life. I say this because they’ve helped me better my life.

If you’re ready to transform, to grow, and to find your unique path of balance and success, read on. Let’s dive into the land of the Rising Sun and rise in our own lives.

#1. Japanese ConceptsIkigai:

Ikigai japanese concept |

Think of Ikigai as your compass, guiding you towards what you love (your passion), what the world needs (your mission), what you are good at (your vocation), and what you can get paid for (your profession).

Finding your Ikigai can help you reach your destination, providing you with direction and fulfillment.

As a real-life exercise, make a list of these four aspects and find where they intersect—that’s your Ikigai.

For example: A professional dancer, for instance, could find their Ikigai in teaching dance to underprivileged kids, combining their passion, skill, societal need, and a way to earn a living.

#2. Japanese ConceptsKaizen:

Kaizen Japanese concept |

Kaizen, meaning ‘continuous improvement,’ is a philosophy of making small daily changes for significant long-term results.

This is the concept I learned while I worked at one of the banks. The top management kept us motivated to find small improvements in the daily operations which would transform the operations.

As a result, several of small changes, innovations were introduced. One of them was to print currency denominations at the back of the cheque leaf which made it easier for the cashier to write the number of notes.

It’s the habit of a successful CEO who reads five pages of a business book every day or a budding artist who practices sketching for ten minutes daily. These small habits compound over time, leading to mastery and success.

#3. Japanese ConceptsKintsugi:

Kintsugi Japanese concept |

‘Golden joinery’ or Kintsugi is a philosophy of embracing your scars, seeing them as a symbol of resilience rather than a flaw.

Consider a person who has experienced a business failure. Rather than hiding this episode, they openly share their experience to inspire others and frame it as a stepping stone to their present success.

#4. Japanese ConceptsShibumi:

Shibumi or Shibui Japanese concept |

Shibumi or Shibui is about finding beauty in simplicity and subtlety.

It’s about focusing on essentials and eliminating clutter—both physically and mentally.

A practical way to achieve this might be adopting a minimalist lifestyle—owning only what you need—or practicing mindfulness to clear mental clutter.

#5. Japanese ConceptsWabi-Sabi:

Wabi Sabi Japanese concept |

Wabi-Sabi teaches us to appreciate the beauty in imperfections and transience.

It could be as simple as cherishing an old, worn-out book that has been passed down generations or appreciating a rustic, hand-made piece of furniture with all its irregularities.

#6. Japanese ConceptsOmotenashi:

Omotenashi Japanese concept |

Omotenashi refers to offering the best service without expecting anything in return.

Imagine a shopkeeper who goes out of his way to help a customer find what they need, or a team leader who stays back after hours to help a team member meet a deadline.

These actions define Omotenashi.

#7. Japanese ConceptsGaman:

Gaman Japanese concept |

Gaman is about showing resilience and maintaining dignity during difficult times.

The pandemic is a stark example where individuals around the world showed Gaman, adapting to new circumstances and pushing through challenges.

#8. Japanese Concepts – Kokoro no Bunka:

‘Culture of the Heart’ embodies authenticity, honesty, and emotional intelligence.

A leader who leads with empathy, takes responsibility for their actions, and prioritizes team well-being over personal gain is practicing Kokoro no Bunka.

#9. Japanese Concepts – Mono no Aware:

Mono No Aware Japanese concept |

Mono no Aware—’the pathos of things’—is an awareness of the impermanence of everything.

It teaches us to cherish each moment. Like savoring a sunset knowing it’s fleeting or cherishing the time spent with loved ones.

My Key Takeaways:

  • Discover your Ikigai for a fulfilling life and career.
  • Implement Kaizen for continuous self-improvement.
  • Embrace your flaws and heal through Kintsugi.
  • Practice Shibumi for a clutter-free life and mind.
  • Find beauty in imperfection and impermanence with Wabi-Sabi.
  • Offer the best service with Omotenashi.
  • Show resilience in adversity with Gaman.
  • Be genuine and empathetic through Kokoro no Bunka.
  • Cherish every moment with Mono no Aware.

This is the question you must reflect on:

“Which of these Japanese concepts resonates the most with me, and how can I start weaving it into your everyday life?”

Embrace these concepts, infuse a dash of ‘Japan’ in your life, and set sail towards a fulfilling journey of life! The way these Japanese Concepts positively changed me will surely help you.

Top Books on Japanese Concepts and Culture

  • Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life” by Héctor García and Francesc Miralles: This book offers a deep dive into the concept of Ikigai, the Japanese philosophy that melds passion, mission, vocation, and profession into your reason for being.
  • The Book of Five Rings” by Miyamoto Musashi: Written in the 17th century by an undefeated duelist, this book explores strategy, tactics, and philosophy that are still relevant today, not only in martial arts but also in business and everyday life.
  • The Courage to be Disliked” by Ichiro Kishimi and Fumitake Koga: This book presents a fresh perspective on life through the lens of Adlerian psychology, drawing on many aspects of Japanese culture. It encourages readers to free themselves from societal expectations and live life authentically.

FAQs on Japanese Concepts

What is Ikigai and how can I discover my own?

Ikigai Japanese Concept |

Ikigai is a Japanese concept that combines your passion, mission, vocation, and profession. To discover yours, make a list of these four aspects and find where they intersect. That intersection is your Ikigai.

How can the concept of Kaizen be applied to personal development?

kaizen Japanese Concept |

Kaizen, or ‘continuous improvement,’ involves making small, incremental changes daily for significant long-term results. This can be applied in personal development through consistent learning, practicing skills, or improving habits little by little each day.

What does Kintsugi teach us about handling failures or setbacks?

Kintsugi Japanese Concept |

Kintsugi teaches us to embrace our flaws and failures, seeing them as part of our unique history and beauty, rather than something to hide. It encourages resilience and a positive perspective toward setbacks.

How can the principle of Omotenashi enhance my professional relationships?

Omotenashi Japanese Concept |

Omotenashi refers to providing the best service without expecting any reward. In a professional setting, this can translate to helping your colleagues, going the extra mile for your customers, or proactively contributing to your team, which can greatly enhance your professional relationships.

What does Mono no Aware teach us about appreciating life?

Mono no Aware Japanese Concept |

Mono no Aware, or ‘the pathos of things,’ teaches us about the impermanence of all things and encourages us to cherish and appreciate every moment, knowing it won’t last forever. It is a gentle reminder to live in the present and savor life as it unfolds.