These 11 Books Made Luke Belmar FILTHY RICH!

Getting Rich is in everyone’s bucket list. But how to get rich is is not a simple topic.

And today, we’re diving into some fantastic books recommended by Luke Belmar.

Luke Belmar has helped thousands of people learn how to turn their financial dreams into reality.

Luke speaks often about money, decision-making, and success.

Whether you’re starting out or looking to up your game, Luke’s picks will guide you through making the best moves for your wallet and your life.

In this post, we’ll explore each of these books in simple terms, just like Luke Belmar would.

1. “Time is Money” by Tracey Edwards


About the Author: Tracey Edwards writes about how to manage time and money better. She likes helping people grow their money.

Why Read: This book is great if you want to learn how to make more money by using your time wisely.


In “Time is Money,” Tracey Edwards explains that if you use your time well, you can earn more money.

She talks about the best ways to plan your day so that you can do more important tasks that help you earn money. Tracey gives tips on choosing what work to do first and how to keep track of your money.

She tells stories and gives examples which makes it easy to understand how managing time helps you make more money.

Top 3 Lessons:

  • Good time management helps you make more money.
  • Focus on important tasks that make you the most money.
  • Make a daily plan that includes time to manage your money.

Implementation: Look at how you spend your time each day. Find parts of your day when you can plan and manage your money better. Use the tips from the book to help you use your time wisely.

This book is a helpful guide that teaches you how to use your time to increase your money. It’s easy to read and gives you good ideas on how to make more money.

Buy the book.

2. “Scientific Advertising” by Claude C. Hopkins

About the Author: Claude C. Hopkins teaches people how to make better ads that sell products.

Why Read: This book will help you learn how to create ads that convince people to buy things.


“Scientific Advertising” teaches you how to make advertisements that work. Claude C. Hopkins explains the importance of testing your ads to see if they are good.

He shows you how to write clear messages that speak directly to people, making them want to buy what you are selling. The book is full of examples and stories that help explain how to make your ads better and why some ads work and others do not.

Top 3 Lessons:

  • Test your ads to find out what works best.
  • Make your ads easy to understand.
  • Keep track of how well your ads do so you can make them even better.

Implementation: Try different styles of ads to see which ones people like best. Keep improving your ads based on what you learn.

This book is excellent for anyone who wants to get better at making ads that work. It’s written in a simple way that makes it easy to understand and use the tips in your own work.

Buy the book.

3. “The Art of War” by Sun Tzu

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About the Author: Sun Tzu was a wise leader who wrote about how to win battles and solve problems.

Why Read: This book is good for learning how to think smartly and make good plans.


“The Art of War” is about how to be a smart leader and win in difficult situations. Sun Tzu shares his advice on planning well and understanding what other people might do.

The book isn’t just for battles; it’s about using smart strategies in any tough situation. Sun Tzu talks about how important it is to know your strengths and weaknesses and the strengths and weaknesses of others.

He gives advice on how to make decisions quickly and how to change plans when needed to succeed.

Top 3 Lessons:

  • Planning well is key to success.
  • Know what others might be thinking.
  • Make quick and smart decisions as a leader.

Implementation: Use Sun Tzu’s tips when you face tough choices or challenges. Think about your plan and what others might be planning too.

This book helps you learn to make better plans and lead well. It teaches you to think ahead and handle challenges smartly.

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Audio Book: YouTube Link

4. “The Millionaire Master Plan” by Roger James Hamilton

About the Author: Roger James Hamilton is known for helping people learn how to make more money and be successful in business.

Why Read: This book is great if you want to understand how to make more money based on where you are starting from.


In “The Millionaire Master Plan,” Roger James Hamilton talks about different stages or steps in making money.

He helps you figure out which step you are at right now and shows you what you need to do next to make more money. Roger explains how to use your special skills to move up to the next level and make more money.

He gives lots of examples and stories to make it easier to understand his plan. The book also talks about finding people who can help you succeed and how to work with them to grow your wealth.

Top 3 Lessons:

  • Find out which level of making money you are at.
  • Use your special skills to make more money.
  • Work with others who can help you succeed.

Implementation: Look at what level you are at and what skills you have. Use Roger’s tips to plan your next steps. Find friends or others who can help you along the way.

This book is a helpful guide for anyone who wants to increase their wealth. It’s simple to read and full of good ideas for moving forward in making money.

Buy the book.

5. “The Changing World Order” by Ray Dalio

About the Author: Ray Dalio is famous for understanding money and investments very well. He has helped many people manage their money better.

Why Read: This book is good for anyone who wants to understand big changes in the world and how they affect money and business.


“The Changing World Order” by Ray Dalio explains how big shifts happen in the world and how they impact economies and countries.

Ray talks about patterns or regular ways things change over a long time. He uses history to show how these patterns have happened before and what might happen next.

The book helps you understand why these changes are important for money and investments. Ray gives advice on what to do to protect and grow your money when the world is changing.

Top 3 Lessons:

  • Learn the patterns of big changes in the world.
  • Understand how these changes affect economies and countries.
  • Know what to do with your money when big changes happen.

Implementation: Pay attention to big changes in the world. Think about how they might affect money and business. Use Ray’s advice to make smart choices with your money.

This book helps you understand important changes in the world and what they mean for money. It’s written clearly and gives you good advice on how to handle your investments during these changes.

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6. “Shop Management” by Frederick W. Taylor

About the Author: Frederick W. Taylor is known as the father of scientific management. He changed the way factories work.

Why Read: This book is great for anyone who runs a business or works in a place where things are made.


“Shop Management” by Frederick W. Taylor talks about how to run a workplace better. Frederick explains how to organize work so that everything is done well and quickly.

He talks about training workers so they know exactly what to do. The book shows how to check on work to make sure it’s the best it can be. Frederick gives examples from factories to show how his ideas help make more products and make the work better.

Top 3 Lessons:

  • Organize work to make it efficient and good.
  • Train workers so they do their best.
  • Check on work to keep improving it.

Implementation: Look at how work is done in your place. Find ways to organize it better. Teach workers how to do their tasks well. Keep checking and improving the work.

This book is a great guide for making any workplace run better. It’s easy to read and full of smart ideas for managing work.

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7. “High Output Management” by Andrew S. Grove

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About the Author: Andrew S. Grove was the boss of a big company called Intel. He knew a lot about making companies work well.

Why Read: This book is perfect for people who manage others and want to do a great job.


“High Output Management” teaches managers how to make their teams do better work. Andrew Grove talks about important things like how to organize your work, how to make good decisions, and how to help your team do more.

He explains how meetings should be run to make them useful and not waste time. Andrew also talks about how to make sure the food in your company’s cafeteria is good because happy workers do better work.

He uses simple ideas and stories from his own experience to show how these things help your team.

Top 3 Lessons:

  • Organize your work and your team’s work well.
  • Have good meetings that help solve problems.
  • Make sure your team is happy and has what they need to do good work.

Implementation: Look at how you manage your work and your team. Try Andrew’s ideas to make meetings better and help your team do more. Think about small things that can make your team happy.

This book gives you great tips on being a better manager. It’s easy to understand and helps you make your team stronger.

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8. “Your Next Five Moves” by Patrick Bet-David

About the Author: Patrick Bet-David is a smart business leader who knows how to plan ahead to win.

Why Read: This book is great for people who want to be better at making plans for success.


“Your Next Five Moves” shows you how to think ahead in business and life. Patrick Bet-David talks about knowing what you want to achieve and planning the steps to get there.

He explains how to be smart about challenges and decisions, and how to stay ahead of others in business. Patrick uses easy examples to show how thinking ahead makes you more successful. He also talks about learning from mistakes and being ready for changes.

Top 3 Lessons:

  • Know what you want and make a plan.
  • Think ahead to solve problems before they happen.
  • Learn from mistakes and be ready for changes.

Implementation: Think about what you want in the next few years. Use Patrick’s tips to plan your steps. Always try to think about what comes next.

This book helps you get better at planning and preparing for the future. It’s easy to read and full of good advice.

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9. “The 5 Levels of Leadership” by John C. Maxwell

About the Author: John C. Maxwell writes a lot about how to be a good leader.

Why Read: This book is perfect for anyone who wants to lead others well.


“The 5 Levels of Leadership” explains different ways you can be a leader. John Maxwell talks about starting as a boss people must follow and growing to be a leader people choose to follow because they believe in you.

He shows how leaders can make more leaders and make their teams strong. John uses easy stories to explain each level and how you can move up to be a better leader.

Top 3 Lessons:

  • Be a leader that people want to follow.
  • Help others become good leaders too.
  • Grow by learning and teaching others.

Implementation: Think about how you lead others. Try to use John’s advice to become a better leader. Help your team members grow into leaders too.

This book teaches you how to be a better leader at every level. It’s clear, simple, and very helpful for anyone who leads others.

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10. “Lords of Easy Money” by Christopher Leonard

About the Author: Christopher Leonard is a journalist who writes about money and how big decisions affect everyone.

Why Read: This book is good for people who want to understand how big money decisions are made and how they can impact us all.


“Lords of Easy Money” talks about the Federal Reserve, which is like a big bank that decides how much money there is in the country.

Christopher Leonard explains how their decisions can make things better or worse for people. He talks about times when they made it easy for banks to get money and what happened because of that.

The book shows how these decisions can change prices and jobs. Christopher uses stories and simple examples to explain these big ideas so everyone can understand.

Top 3 Lessons:

  • Learn how the Federal Reserve’s decisions affect money and jobs.
  • Understand why sometimes things get more expensive.
  • See how big money decisions can impact your life.

Implementation: Keep an eye on news about money and big decisions. Think about how these things might affect you and what you can do to be ready.

This book helps you understand big money decisions and their effects. It’s written in a simple way that makes it easy to follow.

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11. “Bitcoin Whitepaper” by Satoshi Nakamoto

About the Author: Satoshi Nakamoto is the name used by the person or people who created Bitcoin, which is digital money.

Why Read: This paper is important for people who want to know about Bitcoin and how digital money works.

Overview: The “Bitcoin Whitepaper” explains how Bitcoin works. It’s like a plan that shows how people can use digital money without needing banks to help them.

Satoshi Nakamoto talks about how Bitcoin uses special technology to make sure no one cheats. The paper explains how every transaction with Bitcoin is kept safe and clear so everyone can see it but no one can change it wrongly.

This idea started a whole new way of thinking about money. Satoshi’s writing is very clear and he uses examples to help explain tough ideas.

Top 3 Lessons:

  • Bitcoin lets people use money without banks.
  • It uses technology to keep money safe.
  • Bitcoin’s ideas have started new ways of thinking about money.

Implementation: If you are curious, you could learn more about Bitcoin and maybe even try using it. Watch videos and read more to understand how digital money works.

This paper is a great start for learning about Bitcoin and digital money. It’s a clear explanation of a new idea that has changed how we think about money.

Download the bitcoin whitepaper